Ver Pelicula World Natural Heritage Panama: La Amistad National Park Repelis Completa En Español Latino Gratis
World Natural Heritage Panama: La Amistad National Park (2013) Detalles
- Título original: World Natural Heritage Panama: La Amistad National Park
- Lanzamiento: 2013-03-10
- Duración: * minutos
- Votar: 6 por 1 usuarios
- Género: Documentary
- Estrellas:
- Lenguaje original: English
- Palabras clave: panama
Unesco world heritage centre state of conservation soc furthermore the bureau suggested that if the la amistad national park of panama nominated by panama in 1989 is inscribed on the world heritage list in 1990 then the costa rican authorities cooperate with their counterparts in panama in proposing the listing of this transborder park as a single site Películas online en castellano y latino ojomoviescom películas online en castellano latino e inglés nueva red social de películas estrenos creación de listas críticas y enlaces a películas online World heritage 37 com patrimoine mondial on 4 february 1982 the la amistad national park costa rica was created and in 1983 the talamanca rangela amistad reserves were designated a world heritage site during the 7th session of the world heritage committee florence 1983 the property was extended in 1990 to include the la amistad national park of panama
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